Belledorm Luna embroidered cotton duvet over and pillow case set

Belledorm Luna embroidered cotton duvet over and pillow case set


Belledorm Luna embroidered cotton duvet over and pillow case set

Luna features a double row of zig zag embroidery in a soft shade of green on a crisp white background

Ideal for those looking for a hint of colour on your soft white all cotton bed linen

Made from 100 % cotton percale

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Belledorm Luna embroidered cotton duvet over and pillow case set

Luna features a double row of zig zag embroidery in a soft shade of green on a crisp white background

Ideal for those looking for a hint of colour on your soft white all cotton bed linen

Made from 100 % cotton percale

The duvet cover features a panel of embroidery and the pillowcases are edged with the same embroidered detail. Striking in its simplicity. Simple but effective

Available as a set which includes 2 pillow cases




Super king

Additional information

Dimensions N/A


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