Getting back to work after the holidays and trying to reset your sleep schedule – isn’t it just one of those universal struggles we all face..? We’ve just wrapped up that delightful period of holiday lie-ins and afternoon naps, those late night movies or binge-watching some series with a tipple in one hand and a bowl of left-over sherry trifle in the other and now we’re expected to bounce back to our 6 AM alarms like nothing ever happened!
Let’s be honest, sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes and hoping for the best. It’s that magical reset button our bodies need to function properly – but why does it feel so impossible to get right when we’re heading back to work? Our bodies get quite comfortable with those lazy holiday sleep patterns, and suddenly we’re asking them to readjust like some sort of biological gymnastics routine.
The experts tell us we need 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, but quality is the key word here. It’s not just about the hours you spend horizontal – it’s about getting your body back into that natural rhythm that makes the mornings slightly less daunting. Think of it like reprogramming your internal clock, which right now is probably still in ‘holiday mode’ and giving you the jaundiced eye for even thinking about early starts!
Want to make the transition easier? Try nudging your bedtime back by 15 minutes earlier each night – it’s like slowly turning the ship around rather than making a dramatic U-turn. And those screens we’re all addicted to? They’re not doing us any favours when it comes to quality sleep, especially when we’re scrolling through ‘just one more’ social media post at 11 PM. Try putting away iPads and phones after 8PM and maybe even put the phone on silent so those alerts wont keep you… alert!
Need more sleep advice or struggling with the back-to-work blues? Drop us a message through our social media channels – we’re always here to help make those morning alarms feel a little less painful!